Do Earwigs Really get into People’s Ears?

Do Earwigs Really get into People’s Ears?

September 5, 2015 pest control 0

An earwig is a long, slim insect that has six legs and usually is dark brown or black in color. They also have long cerci or clippers that make them easy to identify. The name may suggest that they make their way into someone’s ear while they sleep but thankfully, this is a myth. Earwigs do not want to live in a person’s ear; in fact they prefer to live outdoors. They usually feed on foliage such as flowers and leaves and will also eat fruits and other insects. Earwigs are usually found outdoors living under a pile of leaves or near any type of lawn debris. They are also sometimes found living in holes in trees and enjoy places that are damp and dark. Earwigs are a night time invader; they tend to keep quiet and sleep in the day time and come out at night to relocate or find food. Earwigs have three stages of development; they start as an egg, develop into a nymph and finally grow into an adult.

Earwigs can make their way into your home or business and find a nice quiet spot to live. Usually you can find them in bathrooms and kitchens where there is a large abundance of food and water. An adult earwig can lay from 30 to 50 eggs at a time which can turn into a lot of insects in your home very quickly. The best way to keep them from getting in is to seal up outside cracks. Make sure that you don’t have any exposed cracks in the siding of your home and and close off any gaps from entry doors. This can be an easy DIY weekend project for most people.

The good thing about these pests are that they are not harmful. They can be a terror to see running across your path, but they are not to be feared. Earwigs do not carry and spread disease and they do not get into people ears and live in their brain! They are actually a helpful pest, in the fact that they will eat other bugs that could be causing trouble in your home.